This album is downloadable free of charge. I only ask that if you enjoy it, or any music like it for that matter, that you make a $5 (or whatever you can afford) contribution to help fight the people who are trying to destroy our internet freedom. I recommend the EFF. They have been consistently fighting for years to keep us free. You can donate here. Thank you and enjoy the album.
(note: this album is meant to be listened to as one continuous song. It is broken up into tracks for navigation.) 
FLAC Individual Tracks 
FLAC One Seamless File 
MP3 Individual Tracks 
MP3 One Seamless File (If individual MP3 tracks skip between songs when burned to disc, download this and open the cue file with your burner software)

Listen to clips on myspace here and on facebook here

                                                       A sample list can be found here

I can be contacted here